Know the Cannabis Licensing Agencies in California First things first. Businesses looking to obtain a commercial cannabis retailer license must know which licensing authority they need to submit [more]
This year marks the beginning of California’s third year in legal cannabis sales. This new, but lucrative industry has grown tremendously in the last two years, overcoming various challenges such as c [more]
2019 was undoubtedly a big year for the cannabis industry and 2020 is expected to bring many changes as well. As the new year begins, we reflect on the successes and challenges of this ever-changing i [more]
The Illicit Cannabis Market And The Vaping Crisis. Last month, law enforcement performed the largest crackdown of the illegal cannabis market during a three-day raid that resulted in the seizure [more]
Battling Against a Cannabis Black Market The marijuana black market has been an issue for the legal cannabis industry since the legal market launched in January of last year. The illicit market takes [more]